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Records 461 to 480 of 10000
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Protein (*) Link 1 Link 2 Peptide Position Foldx Score Mint Code (*) Interactions Mint Score PubMed Short Description (*)
P40956 APID UniProt STPPLPRRRA 248-257 9.2 nd nd nd nd GTS1_YEAST Protein GTS1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P25641 APID UniProt HLPFPPGLPS 365-374 9.2 nd nd nd nd ATG15_YEAST Putative lipase ATG15 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38750 APID UniProt SPPGVFPVRG 407-416 9.21 nd nd nd nd YHA8_YEAST Uncharacterized transporter YHL008C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38758 APID UniProt NVPPPKKRPG 136-145 9.22 nd nd nd nd YHG9_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YHR009C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P20424 APID UniProt GMPNMPGMPK 468-477 9.22 nd nd nd nd SRP54_YEAST Signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P30775 APID UniProt KLLPPHPFAD 143-152 9.22 nd nd nd nd RF1M_YEAST Peptide chain release factor 1, mitochondrial precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P36041 APID UniProt QRMMPPPPGL 478-487 9.22 nd nd nd nd EAP1_YEAST Protein EAP1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P36013 APID UniProt SRPGLLPGLD 582-591 9.23 nd nd nd nd MAOM_YEAST NAD-dependent malic enzyme, mitochondrial precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32491 APID UniProt VPPPLPPLVL 87-96 9.23 nd nd nd nd MKK2_YEAST MAP kinase kinase MKK2/SSP33 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P40066 APID UniProt HRQTNPNRAP 252-261 9.23 nd nd nd nd GLE2_YEAST Nucleoporin GLE2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q04749 APID UniProt NPVFNPRKPT 276-285 9.23 nd nd nd nd AVO2_YEAST Target of rapamycin complex 2 subunit AVO2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12168 APID UniProt IPPPVPNRPG 8-17 9.23 nd nd nd nd ENG2_YEAST Endo-1,3(4)-beta-glucanase 2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P35190 APID UniProt TPMLMPHNMF 327-336 9.24 nd nd nd nd CLG1_YEAST PHO85 cyclin CLG1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32361 APID UniProt ILVPHPFNPG 371-380 9.24 nd nd nd nd IRE1_YEAST Serine/threonine-protein kinase/endoribonuclease IRE1 precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32634 APID UniProt SLPNSPILPV 917-926 9.24 nd nd nd nd PMD1_YEAST Negative regulator of sporulation PMD1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q6B1H5 APID UniProt KLVPPPPRTR 121-130 9.25 nd nd nd nd Q6B1H5_YEAST YNR039C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P25604 APID UniProt KPKSPHLKPP 183-192 9.25 nd nd nd nd STP22_YEAST Suppressor protein STP22 of temperature-sensitive alpha-factor receptor and arginine permease - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53735 APID UniProt KLVPPPPRTR 121-130 9.25 nd nd nd nd ZRG17_YEAST Protein ZRG17 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03750 APID UniProt WLPNFPPDHT 178-187 9.25 nd nd nd nd TAF8_YEAST Transcription initiation factor TFIID subunit 8 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P14064 APID UniProt PPRPRPGRRS 72-81 9.26 nd nd nd nd HAP4_YEAST Transcriptional activator HAP4 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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