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Records 181 to 200 of 10000
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Protein (*) Link 1 Link 2 Peptide Position Foldx Score Mint Code (*) Interactions Mint Score PubMed Short Description (*)
Q12107 APID UniProt KLFQLPSLPP 11-20 8.02 nd nd nd nd APC9_YEAST Anaphase-promoting complex subunit 9 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P25380 APID UniProt PRRPHNVKPF 31-40 8.05 nd nd nd nd SPS22_YEAST Sporulation-specific protein 22 precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12365 APID UniProt PREPLRNEPT 121-130 8.05 nd nd nd nd BBP1_YEAST Protein BBP1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P20424 APID UniProt ARMPGMPNMP 452-461 8.05 nd nd nd nd SRP54_YEAST Signal recognition particle subunit SRP54 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12263 APID UniProt HLPILPPLNG 912-921 8.07 nd nd nd nd GIN4_YEAST Serine/threonine-protein kinase GIN4 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03306 APID UniProt YRQPTPSPPL 828-837 8.07 nd nd nd nd PKH3_YEAST Serine/threonine-protein kinase PKH3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03433 APID UniProt DLPNVPTLLS 112-121 8.08 nd nd nd nd VPS71_YEAST Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 71 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P36519 APID UniProt NRPPKNPRGS 110-119 8.08 nd nd nd nd RM07_YEAST 54S ribosomal protein L7, mitochondrial precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q6Q5S3 APID UniProt NRPPKNPRGS 110-119 8.08 nd nd nd nd Q6Q5S3_YEAST YDR237W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q04930 APID UniProt VRRKPHSPNK 11-20 8.08 nd nd nd nd CRF1_YEAST Transcription factor CRF1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P33399 APID UniProt LPKFPKNKKK 244-253 8.09 nd nd nd nd LAH1_YEAST La protein homolog - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32526 APID UniProt TRLRPPTPLS 619-628 8.1 nd nd nd nd KAR9_YEAST Karyogamy protein KAR9 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12446 APID UniProt VRLPAPPPPP 339-348 8.11 nd nd nd nd LAS17_YEAST Proline-rich protein LAS17 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53281 APID UniProt SRPSVPPPSY 129-138 8.11 nd nd nd nd LSB1_YEAST LAS17-interacting protein 1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03016 APID UniProt QLPSRTPKKG 299-308 8.11 1 GIP3_YEAST GLC7-interacting protein 3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38266 APID UniProt FLPPPKPFRH 587-596 8.11 nd nd nd nd YBV8_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YBR108W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q07535 APID UniProt SPPKKPPIKC 83-92 8.12 nd nd nd nd YD118_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YDL118W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P25579 APID UniProt DLPEPRFYPL 93-102 8.13 nd nd nd nd LRE1_YEAST Laminarase-resistance protein LRE1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53836 APID UniProt NRPYQPYAMN 958-967 8.16 nd nd nd nd CA120_YEAST CCR4-NOT transcriptional complex subunit CAF120 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12117 APID UniProt PRPAATPNLS 290-299 8.17 nd nd nd nd MRH1_YEAST Protein MRH1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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