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Records 6241 to 6260 of 6661
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Protein (*) Link 1 Link 2 Peptide Position Foldx Score Mint Code (*) Interactions Mint Score PubMed Short Description (*)
P53845 APID UniProt GGFPFQDPR 55-63 16.1 nd nd nd nd YIF1_YEAST Protein transport protein YIF1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38968 APID UniProt SSYPPTGPY 1079-1087 16.1 nd nd nd nd SEC31_YEAST Protein transport protein SEC31 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53249 APID UniProt PSSSPSSSL 285-293 16.1 nd nd nd nd YG2G_YEAST Putative uncharacterized protein YGR079W precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P43596 APID UniProt PGDPNGSAA 216-224 16.1 nd nd nd nd IOC3_YEAST ISWI one complex protein 3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P40059 APID UniProt NNGPIFPNS 390-398 16.1 nd nd nd nd DOT6_YEAST Disrupter of telomere silencing protein 6 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12045 APID UniProt CDEHPNLPH 536-544 16.1 nd nd nd nd VIK1_YEAST Spindle pole body-associated protein VIK1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q07253 APID UniProt GPKWPTKSA 59-67 16.11 nd nd nd nd Q07253_YEAST L3153 protein - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32479 APID UniProt PSWSPDGQH 238-246 16.11 nd nd nd nd HIR1_YEAST Protein HIR1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P08018 APID UniProt STQHPTRPN 192-200 16.11 nd nd nd nd PBS2_YEAST MAP kinase kinase PBS2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P40566 APID UniProt IWSPDDKPL 578-586 16.11 nd nd nd nd YIS7_YEAST Uncharacterized glycosyl hydrolase YIR007W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P14540 APID UniProt PEGPEKPNK 318-326 16.11 nd nd nd nd ALF_YEAST Fructose-bisphosphate aldolase - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38351 APID UniProt LPVPQLPPK 17-25 16.11 nd nd nd nd PAF1_YEAST RNA polymerase II-associated protein 1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q01389 APID UniProt EEAPTKPNP 379-387 16.11 nd nd nd nd BCK1_YEAST Serine/threonine-protein kinase BCK1/SLK1/SSP31 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03833 APID UniProt APLSPSTSN 667-675 16.11 nd nd nd nd GIS1_YEAST Transcriptional activator/repressor GIS1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P36028 APID UniProt IPQDPTLFD 1365-1373 16.11 nd nd nd nd NFT1_YEAST ABC transporter NFT1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P32618 APID UniProt SEPAPLPSH 168-176 16.11 nd nd nd nd YEF3_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YEL043W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q06315 APID UniProt HVPDGRPSL 985-993 16.11 nd nd nd nd SKG3_YEAST Protein SKG3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P40470 APID UniProt PGLTPGLAP 185-193 16.11 nd nd nd nd YIM7_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YIL127C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38968 APID UniProt ISNPYAPPQ 1004-1012 16.11 nd nd nd nd SEC31_YEAST Protein transport protein SEC31 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03018 APID UniProt PNTPMTSKS 14-22 16.11 nd nd nd nd ESP1_YEAST Separin - Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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