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Records 4961 to 4980 of 5431
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Protein (*) Link 1 Link 2 Peptide Position Foldx Score Mint Code (*) Interactions Mint Score PubMed Short Description (*)
P35728 APID UniProt VPPVPLPFG 403-411 14.08 nd nd nd nd MPE1_YEAST Protein MPE1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q02206 APID UniProt YLPGKHPKN 21-29 14.08 nd nd nd nd RSC4_YEAST Chromatin structure-remodeling complex protein RSC4 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38064 APID UniProt NPKDDPVKN 194-202 14.09 nd nd nd nd RM16_YEAST 54S ribosomal protein L16, mitochondrial precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38968 APID UniProt FAPIQPGMP 878-886 14.09 nd nd nd nd SEC31_YEAST Protein transport protein SEC31 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q04461 APID UniProt NLPLNNPDS 257-265 14.09 nd nd nd nd YM01_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YMR111C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q08229 APID UniProt RPLPSTPNE 352-360 14.09 nd nd nd nd YO070_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YOL070C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38875 APID UniProt ERPIPKPLD 276-284 14.09 nd nd nd nd GPI16_YEAST GPI transamidase component GPI16 precursor - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q12329 APID UniProt PRQPQRPQR 30-38 14.09 nd nd nd nd HSP42_YEAST Heat shock protein 42 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38338 APID UniProt NEPFWPNQS 550-558 14.09 nd nd nd nd YB9F_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YBR259W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P38954 APID UniProt IPPTIGPND 351-359 14.09 nd nd nd nd IPT1_YEAST Inositolphosphotransferase 1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q04299 APID UniProt SAPIFNPQN 153-161 14.09 nd nd nd nd YMX7_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YML087W - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P25847 APID UniProt LFPQGPQNP 307-315 14.09 nd nd nd nd MSH2_YEAST DNA mismatch repair protein MSH2 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P34161 APID UniProt KAKRPVSNP 347-355 14.09 nd nd nd nd YOX1_YEAST Homeobox protein YOX1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53108 APID UniProt VPDSPNMNN 33-41 14.09 nd nd nd nd YIP5_YEAST Protein YIP5 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P43560 APID UniProt TSPVSQPSI 112-120 14.09 nd nd nd nd YFE2_YEAST Uncharacterized protein YFL042C - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P53741 APID UniProt EPVANPPKM 342-350 14.09 nd nd nd nd BRE5_YEAST UBP3-associated protein BRE5 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q08831 APID UniProt SSPNLIPVQ 318-326 14.09 nd nd nd nd VTS1_YEAST Protein VTS1 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P40048 APID UniProt AEPKSPKTN 244-252 14.09 nd nd nd nd PTP3_YEAST Tyrosine-protein phosphatase 3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
P28320 APID UniProt EKRTPLFNP 241-249 14.09 nd nd nd nd CWC16_YEAST Protein CWC16 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Q03306 APID UniProt TKPNVPPLQ 453-461 14.09 nd nd nd nd PKH3_YEAST Serine/threonine-protein kinase PKH3 - Saccharomyces cerevisiae


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