JME _____
MARVIN _____

JME Applet - file export / import

You have to enable Java and JavaScritpt on your machine !


jme string

mol file






Get your pdb file with CORINA web server from SMILES code                Alternatively use the PRODRG2 Server

MARVIN Sketch 5.3.2 Applet




This is an implementation of Marvin, you can create new structures or open structure files and then visualise or perform calculations.

Various structure based calculations are available from the "Tools" menu using the Calculator Plugins. Notice that for some calculation results MarvinSpace can be used and this will require Open GL to be installed on your computer. If this does not load automatically please visit MarvinSpace Troubleshooting

Chemical Terms expression:

The Chemical Terms Evaluator is designed to evaluate mathematical expressions on molecules using built-in chemical and general purpose functions. It is equipped with chemical plugin calculations, chemical substructure search and some additional chemical and general purpose functions.